Monday, April 30, 2012

Elder Comsa - rough week

I have 2 minutes to type this email so sorry if it´s short!
This week was very rough, as one of my dearest investigators is going through something pretty challenging, and the baptism date will either drop or be moved to a future time where I might not be able to participate.
But the week was still great. We taught an amazing spiritual lesson with a family, and as we walked out of the house, one of them said to us "You guys were born to teach." And it made me realize how REAL this mission is. That we´re really here teaching people about the only way you can reach the heavens. But in all honesty, it´s the Spirit that teaches. We just say the words. But the Spirit touches their hearts. Maria will baptize this next coming week, and the Mother will also be baptized in April. I´ve seen this family from day one when the daughter was baptized, and right now, I consider them my Brasilian family!
I know without a doubt that this church is the Church of Jesus Christ. I have seen things that have amazed me. I´m feeling the lowest of lows, but I´ve seen the highest of highs. But no matter what happens, rely of the Lord. Because he is guiding us in the direction we should take.
I love this mission with all my heart, this is my life right now. And I wouldn´t trade it for anything else.
Miss you all and love you. I´ll try to get a better email out next week!
- Elder Comsa

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